Newsletter - 2nd Half Summer Term
Dear Parents,
We hope you are all keeping safe and well. It's been such an unusual term, and we have all had to adapt to new routines one way or another. It has been lovely to see some of our pre-schoolers back over the last few weeks, and we are really proud of them for adapting to our new routines so well. Thank you to parents too, for observing all the extra measures we have put in place to try to keep everyone safe. For those who have not returned yet, we really miss you, and hope that things continue to return to normal so that we can welcome you back soon! In the meantime, please keep adding your pictures to our Facebook page, as we really do love seeing what you're all up to!
With the current situation as it is, we will not be able to hold our usual Graduation celebrations for our children moving on to primary school this year. However, we would like to be able to wish them well, so we are proposing a short outdoor ceremony on the morning of Friday 17th July at 11:00, weather permitting! This will be open to all children who will be starting primary school in September 2020, accompanied by parents or carers from the same household only, and we will send out more details to those families very soon. Whilst not quite the same, we hope this will be an opportunity to wish all our leavers farewell and good luck!
We are beginning to look ahead to September, so for all those who will be returning, we will be putting our new register together this week. If you haven't already done so, please let us know what sessions you will require for your child by e-mailing us at:, and we will confirm your hours for you. Of course, this will all depend on further government guidelines, so could be subject to change.
Please could we request that any communication regarding your child's attendance is done via the pre-school phone number or e-mail address only, and not by contacting individual staff on their personal numbers or social media. This will enable us to share information appropriately and in the best interests of your child. Our phone number is 07530 893773 or you can e-mail us at Your help with this would be much appreciated, thank you.
Please make a note of our term dates, and planned Inset days for the end of this term and also for September, as listed below.
Best wishes,
Becky, Katie, Kelly and Tara.
Dates for your diary:
Last day of term before summer holiday:
Friday 17th July 2020 – Graduation Day – please arrive at 11:00
Inset Days:
Tuesday 21st July 2020
Wednesday 22nd July 2020
Thursday 3rd September 2020
Friday 4th September 2020
Summer Holiday:
Thursday 23rd July – Wednesday 2nd September 2020
Return to pre-school for Autumn Term:
Monday 7th September 2020