Dear Parents,
We hope you all had a lovely half term break – welcome back for the 2nd half of the Spring term at The Sombornes Pre-School! We have lots to look forward to over the next few weeks as we head towards Easter.
This should be the last paper copy of a pre-school newsletter you'll receive, as we are planning to send all future newsletters and parent information via e-mail. We have a new pre-school e-mail address should you need to contact us via e-mail, which is:, which will be monitored regularly. We will continue to put the current newsletter up on the notice board in the entrance hall if you need to refer to it at any time. If you have any queries about this, please let us know.
Our topic for the rest of this term will be 'Spring', including spring flowers, baby animals and how things grow. We will be including the children in our plans for the eco-garden at school, and also planting some seeds at pre-school so that everyone can be involved in the process. Hopefully the weather will be kind! If you could provide suitable outdoor clothing (clearly labelled please), for these activities it would be greatly appreciated.
We will continue to visit the school library and eco-garden on Wednesday mornings, and will also begin our sessions in the classroom with the Reception year children and teachers. We have found this to be really beneficial for preparing the children for school life, and helps the transition to 'big school'.
A reminder that we will be having an Easter Bonnet parade on Thursday 24th March, with prizes for the best entries, so the children can start planning their designs now! All children will be welcome, regardless of whether or not they usually attend this session. We will also provide some party snacks to celebrate Easter, so no need to bring fruit snack to this session. Pre-school will then close at 12:15 for the Easter holidays.
Just another reminder that we would really appreciate your support in discouraging your child from bringing their own toys to play with at pre-school, as this can cause upset if the toy becomes lost, or if other children want to play with them too. We are always happy for children to bring items of interest to 'Show and Tell' at circle time if they would like to.
Best Wishes,
Becky, Katie, Diane and Ali.
Dates for your diary:
Easter Bonnet Parade and Party: Thursday 24th March (9:15-12:15)
Easter break: Friday 25th March – Friday 8th April
Inset Days:
Thursday 24th March, afternoon session (pre-school open 9:15-12:15)
Tuesday 19th July
Wednesday 20th July
(Summer Term ends on Friday 15th July)