Dear Parents,
We hope you all had a lovely half-term break. We would like to welcome Toby, who has recently joined us. Our students have fitted into the team really well, and will be with us until Easter – Megan on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and Sophie on Thursdays and Fridays.
Our new topic, starting this week, will be 'The Gruffalo'! We will involve the children in creating a role-play area, and use the story and characters in all areas of learning. Thank you to everyone who has already donated items, and if anyone has anything else that could help with this topic, please let us know.
Could we please ask that children have their names on any coats and bags they bring into pre-school to help us sort out whose is whose when we go outside, and also that your child has spare clothes in case we get wet or messy when playing outside – thank you!
We will continue to have the Wow Tree board out in the entrance hall, so please add any of your child's achievements so that we can celebrate them with everyone!
As in previous years, we will be holding our Easter Bonnet Parade at the end of this term. This is a fun event, and we always look forward to seeing the children's creativity, and enjoying the easter trail with them afterwards – we'll give more details nearer the time. We would also like to hear from anyone who has any new fundraising ideas for pre-school, or anyone who would be interested in helping out with a fundraising event – just let us know if you have any thoughts!
In the next few weeks we will be sending home our 'Session Times' form, so if you are thinking of changing your child's hours after Easter, please fill this in and return it to us. If your child's hours are remaining the same, there is no need to return the form.
Some general reminders:
Snack time – please provide your child with a fruit or vegetable portion (this can include dried fruit), which can be placed in the bowl provided in the entrance hall before the session starts. We will prepare everything provided, and the children will then be able to choose what they would like to eat for their snack, giving them an opportunity to try new things with their friends! They will be offered a choice of milk or water with their snack. If your child attends any afternoon sessions, we will provide a biscuit and a drink before home time. Please speak to us if you have any concerns or if your child has any special dietary requirements.
Lunchboxes – we promote a healthy diet at preschool, so please try to provide at least one portion of either fruit or vegetables in your child's lunch, and they will be encouraged to eat this before moving onto items such as crisps or biscuits. Please ensure that grapes are cut in half to avoid a choking hazard, and if you can cut up any other fruit or veg that would be very helpful. Please do not supply sweets or fizzy drinks in lunchboxes as they will be returned home. We are happy for you to supply a squash or fruit juice drink for your child to have with their lunch, but we will always make sure that water is supplied at lunchtime for any children without a drink. In line with other settings, we are a nut-free pre-school, so please check labels if you are unsure whether anything contains nuts.
Uniform – this is optional, but if you are considering this, pre-school uniform (including the new hoodies), is available to order via our website - please take a look!
Best wishes,
Becky, Katie, Diane and Siobhan.
Dates for your diary:
Easter holiday: Friday 30th March – Friday 13th April 2018