Newsletter - 2nd Half Autumn Term

22 November 2018

Dear Parents, 


We hope you all had a lovely half-term break! We would like to offer a warm welcome to Poppy, Jack and Fern who are all about to join us. 


As you are probably all aware, Becky will be starting her maternity leave soon, and is planning to finish on Friday 16th November. During this time, Diane will be taking on the role of Deputy Manager, and we are currently in the process of finding a new pre-school assistant to join the team until Becky's return. We will keep you informed as and when we have more news. 


With the weather getting colder now, could we please ask that the children bring warm outdoor clothing and shoes to pre-school, and that all items, including their bags, are clearly labelled – thank you! 


The new system for snack time seems to be working really well, but could we please remind everyone to put their child's snack in a named container or bag which can be placed in the snack box provided in the entrance hall, so that staff can easily see whose is whose. Your help with this is much appreciated. 


Just to let you know that if your child will be starting school next September, the primary school will be holding an open morning next Thursday 8th November. If you are interested in having a look around, please phone the school on 01794 388381 to arrange an appointment – they would be really pleased to meet you! 



A request 

If anyone has an old cd player that they no longer need or want, and would be happy to donate it to pre-school, please let us know – it would be greatly appreciated and put to very good use! 



Best wishes, 


Becky, Katie, Diane and Kelly. 



Dates for your diary: 


Progress meetings with parents: Friday 14th December (afternoon) 

Christmas show and raffle: Thursday 20th December, 2pm 

Christmas holiday: Monday 24th December – Friday 4th January 2019, returning to pre-school Tuesday 8th January 2019 

Inset Day for all staff training: Thursday 17th January