Newsletter - 1sthalf Summer Term 2019
Dear Parents,
Welcome back for the summer term - we hope you all had a lovely Easter break. We would like to offer a warm welcome to Bert who joined us before Easter, and George who is joining us this week.
This term we'll be looking at recycling, including junk modelling and den building, and also continuing with growth. We hope to have some caterpillars and tadpoles in pre-school too, so that the children can learn about how they develop and change. Our visits to the reception classroom on alternate Wednesdays will continue this term, as well as maintaining our eco garden in the school grounds.
The KSSA (Kings Somborne School Association), are holding a 'Garage Safari' fundraising event on Saturday 18thMay, which will hopefully raise funds for both the primary school and pre-school. Pre-school will be running a stall, and we will put out further information about this very soon!
Summer term is always busy, and later on we will be giving more details about some end of term activities, including a sports afternoon, scheduled for Thursday 4thJuly, an end of term trip on Tuesday 9thJuly, and graduation for the children going up to big school on Wednesday 17thJuly. We will keep you posted as soon as we have more details!
With the improvement in the weather, we will aim to have more sand/water/messy play outside, so please ensure that your child has a set of spare clothes in a named bag at pre-school in case they get wet. We do have some spare clothing, but it is always easier if they have their own – thank you!
Please could we request that children are discouraged from bringing their own toys into pre-school. It can cause upset if other children want to play with them, and can be so easily lost amongst the other pre-school toys.
Uniform – we currently have plenty of stock of t-shirts and sweatshirts at pre-school, so if you would like to have a look before you buy, please just ask a member of staff. For sizes and prices, please see the website for more details.
Best wishes,
Katie, Diane, Kelly, Tara and Estrella.
Dates for your diary:
'Garage Safari' fundraising event: Saturday 18thMay (more details to follow)
Half-term: Monday 27thMay – Friday 31stMay
Sports afternoon: Thursday 4thJuly (weather permitting)
End of term trip: Tuesday 9thJuly (more details to follow)
Graduation for leavers, and last day of term: Wednesday 17thJuly
Inset days: Thursday 18th, Friday 19th, Tuesday 23rdJuly