Newsletter – 1st half Spring Term 2022
Dear Parents,
We would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year, and hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. Thank you to everyone who came to the Christmas Show at the end of last term, and for supporting our raffle which raised a fantastic £140 for our pre-school funds! We would like to offer a very warm welcome to Seth, Harley and Leo who have just joined us.
As a general theme for this term, we will be looking at recycling. With this in mind, we will be collecting items for various activities and junk modelling. We would particularly welcome any donations of clean empty boxes, small plastic tubs (such as butter or margarine tubs), to make sailing boats, and clean empty fizzy drink bottles or orange juice cartons which could be used to make skittles. If you think you could help with this it would be much appreciated!
Thank you to everyone who has already returned their ‘Updated Contact Information’ forms, but if you haven’t yet, please could you hand these in as soon as possible so that we can be sure to record the most up-to-date information for the children – many thanks.
We continue to monitor the Covid situation, and will keep our existing measures in place whilst case numbers are still high. Please wear a facemask when dropping off/collecting your child, and continue to use the one-way system entering via the ramp and exiting down the steps if possible. Please be aware of any possible symptoms shown by your children, and let us know as soon as possible if you receive a positive test result. Staff absence due to having to isolate for positive Covid cases could potentially cause pre-school closure if we are unable to meet required ratios, so please continue to support us by following these procedures. There are some useful links at the end of this newsletter for advice on how to get tests, and regarding isolation periods.
Please could we request that if you need to contact us regarding your child’s session times, to report an absence or with any other queries specific to your child, please use the work phone number (07530 893773) or e-mail address ( Please do not use the parents Whatsapp group, or contact members of staff directly for this purpose. This will ensure that information is recorded and shared appropriately in order to safeguard your children – many thanks for your support with this.
Some general reminders:
Snack time – please ensure your child brings a healthy snack for any morning sessions they attend. This can consist of a portion of fruit or veg, either fresh or dried fruit and can be accompanied by plain crackers or breadsticks if you feel they need any extra, but please do not supply sweet or chocolate biscuits. Their snack should be labelled with their name, and will be placed in their trays for them to access at snack time. The children will be offered a choice of milk or water to drink. If you have any special dietary requirements or requests, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Spare clothing – each child should have a clearly labelled bag which can be left at pre-school, containing spare clothes should they need them. We often have messy activities on offer, and the garden can be muddy, so spare clothing is essential! Please could we also request that your child has a named pair of wellies that can be kept at pre-school for playing in the garden, as the grassed area can be very muddy during the winter!
Lunchboxes – if your child is staying for lunch, please provide a packed lunch containing at least one portion of fruit or veg. We will encourage children to eat healthier items first, and are then happy for them to have crisps, chocolate biscuits or a small cake. You are welcome to provide a drink of juice for your child to have with their lunch if you wish, but we will always provide water for any children without one.
Uniform – this is optional, but if you wish to purchase uniform for your child, it is kept in stock at pre-school – please just ask! We have t-shirts for £6, sweatshirts for £12 and hoodies for £13 in a range of sizes.
Please make a note of the 'dates for your diary' below,
Best wishes,
Becky, Katie, Kelly and Siobhán.
Dates for your diary:
Monday 21st February – Friday 25th February 2022
Easter break:
Monday 11thApril – Friday 22nd April 2022
Covid-19 – Keeping Safe
How long to isolate for:
What to do if you test positive:
How to avail of a Lateral Flow test:
How to avail of a PCR test: