End of term events - summer 2016

20 June 2016

We are in the final weeks of the academic year and have lots of exciting end of term events to look forward to before the summer holidays!


We are heading to Finkley Down Farm on Thursday 14th July. There will be no cost and everyone is welcome, including younger siblings, regardless of whether or not your child would normally attend on this day. We really hope everyone can make it. We will require children to be accompanied by a parent, and be able to meet at Finkley at 10am on the day. If transport is an issue, please speak to us as we may be able to arrange a car share for you.


We are also proposing to hold a pre-school sports day this year (weather permitting), on Tuesday 5th July at 2pm, finishing by 3:15pm with ice-creams. The children have been enjoying taking part in races on the field over the last couple of weeks, so they are getting lots of practice! This will be the first time we have held our own sports day, so we will be keeping it simple and low key. We would ask that parents attend so that you can sit with and be responsible for your child while the staff organise the races. Again, all children will be welcome to attend, regardless of whether or not they would normally be at this session (if this is the case, you will just need to arrive at pre-school ready to start at 2pm). Please could you indicate whether you will be able to attend by returning the slip below.


A reminder that we will be holding our 'Sponsored Bounce' on Tuesday 28th June – please ask if you require a form or any further information, and if you are available to stay and help on the day it would be greatly appreciated.


As the weather has finally improved, please could you apply suncream to your child before they arrive in the morning, and we will re-apply to all children who are staying on after lunch. We also request that your child brings a labelled sun hat. If you have a spare hat that you are able to leave in the 'hat box' at pre-school until the end of term that would be helpful. We have spare hats, but not enough for every child. Could you also supply spare clothes, clearly labelled in a bag as we will be having plenty of sand and water play – thank you.


Finally, just a quick reminder about lunchtimes. We are a nut-free pre-school, so could we please ask that lunch boxes do not contain any cereal bars with nuts, peanut butter or chocolate spread containing any nut products. We also request that if your child brings grapes, please could you cut them in half to reduce the risk of choking – many thanks!

Best wishes,


Becky, Katie, Diane and Ali.


Dates for your diary:

Sponsored Bounce: Tuesday 28th June

Pre-school sports day: Tuesday 5th July (2-3:15pm)

End of Year trip to Finkley Down Farm: Thursday 14th July (no pre-school on this day)


Inset Days:

Tuesday 19th July

Wednesday 20th July

(Summer Term ends on Friday 15th July)

Please complete and return this slip by Fri 17th June – thank you!