Dates for your diary

16 November 2017

Dear Parents,


It’s that time of year again, we’re heading towards December and starting to think about Christmas! We will be making lots of Christmas pictures and craft, and practicing for our Christmas show. We have planned this for Wednesday 20th December, and it will include our famous Christmas raffle! All pre-school children will be welcome to attend. This will be the last day of term for us, as Thursday 21st December will be an inset day. Further details will be sent out in a letter in due course.


Next Friday (17th November), is Children in Need Day. If your child attends on Fridays, we will be having a pyjama day for a donation of £1, which we will add to the school’s Children in Need fund. There will be no need to provide snack on this day, as we’ll be having hot chocolate and cookies!


As you may already be aware, there are wreath-making evenings being held in December in order to raise funds for pre-school. We are asking for donations to make up a ‘Pamper Hamper’, containing items such as toiletries, wine, chocolates etc. for the raffle on the evening. All donations will be gratefully received, and as all proceeds will be going to pre-school, please feel free to buy tickets from us!


Thank you for all your support,


Best wishes,


Becky, Katie, Diane and Siobhan.